Using CD/DVD media:
Always be prepared!

Genie Outlook Backup allows you to backup your data to CD/DVD media using third party packet writing software. Users can also enable spanning which allows them to backup data to multiple disks if the data requires more space than available on a single disk.

To backup your data to CD:

1- Choose Normal backup mode, if Genie Outlook backup is not already set to Normal Backup, you can do so by pressing the "Switch Layout" button in the main menu
2- Proceed to the second step of the backup wizard process
3- Select "Backup to DVD..."

General notes on backing up to CD/DVD

• If your data size is less than the free space on your CD/DVD disk don’t check "Allow multiple Disks".

• If you think your data will require more than one disk then check "Allow multiple disks," and choose the appropriate "Size Per Disk", (600MB recommended for an empty CD disk and 4GB for an empty DVD disk).

• (1GB = 1073741824 bytes) and the DVD disk size is 4,700,000,000 bytes which in fact equals 4.3GB not 4.7GB

Increment and Mirror backup will not be available when data is being spanned over multiple disks

• Make sure you select the right drive letter for your CD/DVD recorder in the "Backup Media Type" section, or else you will get an error message during backup.


More Info:
Backup Media Type
Using Packet writing software

Built in Monday, June 24,2003